When looking for cost-effective shipping rates, it can be difficult to get accurate and timely information. This situation can be avoided if you know the factors that affect your shipping rates. And knowing these important factors will help you make the right decisions in your business.
Several factors that affect your freight rates:
1. Shipment weight: Your shipment is the main factor affecting your freight rates, and you should know the smallest details about it so that you do not have to pay extra for the shipment. But there is a difference between the usual tariffs for delivery and tariffs for the transportation of goods, since in the latter case the rates are higher and lower. Therefore, you must be very careful when sending your goods and know all the details about it. This will save you money.
2. Shipment Density. Shipment density is also crucial in determining freight rates, and you must understand how this affects your shipment. And to know this, you need to understand how to calculate the density of your cargo and for this you need to divide the total weight into cubic meters. This calculation will help you understand if your shipping costs will be higher or lower.
3. The distance between the place of delivery and delivery: the distance determines the main role in determining the tariffs for delivery. It is easy and very logical to say that if your distance is greater, the shipping cost will be higher, and there is no doubt about it. The distance will help you know how much you should pay for shipping.
4. How you carry out transit also plays an important role in determining shipping costs and has a big impact on tariffs. When sending goods, you must choose the standard and most convenient way of transit if you do not want to pay extra.
5. The price of fuel. The price of fuel will be the main factor determining the cost of delivery. If fuel prices rise, this will certainly affect the cost of delivery.
On our site you can calculate the cost of delivery from anywhere in the CIS.